Where to Start



start your recovery

Interventionists step in when families are already lost and emotionally drained.  Having a non-biased mediator creates a safe environment for all members to speak and be heard.  Addiction creates so much turmoil in the lives of all, and all members need to recover.  Substance Use Disorder is an individual mental illness, therefor the recovery process demands individual treatment.  There is numerous “Treatment Programs” for addiction, and most claim to work.  As a member of the recovery community, until  given a multitude of recovery-oriented options, and I implemented them into my life, I was not able to live a sober, happy life.  Pacific Interventions walks with the families and individual throughout the recovery process.  Recovery has no time frame, but it does have limited windows of opportunity to begin the stages of recovery.

What is Needed?

One of the main factors to consider in the intervention equation is a professional background and training.  This allows the professional to  safely resolving these type of situations. Which can include heated discussion, a wide range of emotions and hurt feelings.  Assessment, Withdrawal Management, Treatment Planning, Counseling, and Case Management are necessary components to successful recovery.

Armed with a professional who possesses these skills, the family will be able to successfully fight back against addiction.  Devising an effective course of action that will guide everyone towards a healthy life is crucial.  Dealing with feelings of guilt, shame, remorse and self-loathing requires a safe environment to learn new perspectives and create a more positive self-appraisal of oneself.  Get Help Now

My Brief History!

My family was able to sleep at night free of worry.  Thus, allowing myself to be free of the guilt this created.  The recovery process may be different for each person, but the one addicted and the family afflicted all have the same emotions running through them.  This common ground is what creates a recovery community and a connection of understanding.

Our Goal!

Building connections with readers and families to come.  The goal here is to create a forum for everyone seeking help, answers, and or information on Addiction Recovery topics.  Perhaps the starting point if you are lost and are not sure which way to turn.  There is a better way to live and recovery is possible for all individuals, no matter what the circumstances may be.  The best choice I ever made was to change my way of Living.  My parents have a son, my siblings have a brother, my children have a father, and most importantly I have found myself and can live in my own skin comfortably, all thanx to the professional people that guided me and continue to guide me in my recovery.  This is available for everyone! Addiction Info

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